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Everything You Should Know About Halloween Candy and Your Teeth

September 19, 2023

Everything You Should Know About Halloween Candy and Your Teeth

It’s that time of year again—and while things may look a little different this Halloween as we settle into pandemic life, we know that you and your children are likely looking forward to celebrating the upcoming holiday.


Hey, we get it! While we can’t recommend you over-indulge in candy, we know you might dabble in a treat or two, so we wanted to give you some sweet-tips to keep in mind.

1. Certain candies are worse for your teeth than others. Candies that ‘linger’ like gummy or sticky treats can increase your chance of developing a cavity. Gummy worms are among the worst offenders, being highly acidic as well full of sugar and sticky.


2. If you’re going to indulge, brush your teeth after eating a sweet. The longer that sugar bacteria stays on your teeth, the more of a chance it has to break down enamel. To ensure your kids brush on Halloween night, try gifting them a new toothbrush as a part of the Halloween celebration so they’re excited to use it that evening.


3. If you’re looking for a sweet but ‘healthier’ treat to pass out to trick-or-treaters this year, go for small, individual sized bags of trail-mix. Generally, trail mix contains a variety of nuts as well as dried fruit or even pieces of candy. The nuts in trail-mix are rich in fiber, but also help to get rid of left-behind debris in the mouth while eating.


Suspect a Cavity Post Candy? Give Us a Call


We’re happy to help in any way that we can when it comes to your dental health—if you’re feeling a cavity coming on, give us a call to schedule your appointment so that we can tend to it quickly and protect you from a more dire dental situation.


As a reminder, we’re open and able to see patients as we maintain the highest level of in-practice sanitation during Covid-19 for your health and safety.

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